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Get to know the agenda of the OADF 2024!

11. June 2024

NDS members can join the next Open AutoDrive Forum (OADF) event online on June 24, 2024, from 9 am to 2.30 pm CEST via Zoom. Participation is free of charge and open to all interested parties.

Here you can read the agenda:

Time (CEST) SubjectResponsible
09:00 – 09:101.Welcome NotesSteffen Kuhn,
OADF Speaker
09:10 – 09:302.Introduction to OADFSteffen Kuhn,
OADF Speaker
09:30 – 10:153.Beyond Boundaries: Collaborative Insights into ADASIS and NDS ApplicationsJean-Charles Pandazis, ADASIS Martin Pfeifle, NDS Clemens Wandt, ADASIS Fabian Klebert, NDS
10:15 – 10:30 Break 
10:30 – 11:154.TISA and SENSORIS: Upstream-Downstream Data Standard Harmonization for Timely and Trustworthy Real Time Traffic Information ServicesMatthias Unbehaun, TISA Andras Csepinszky,
11:15 – 11:30 Break 
11:30 – 12:305.Activities/Plans of Standardization Organizations Regarding AD
 a.SIP-adus – Automated Driving Systems Field Operational Test (FOT) with Dynamic MapSatoru Nakajo,
University of Tokyo
 b.Overview of Dynamic Map Platform Co., Ltd. and Map Updating Project Using Probe DataMotoyuki Yamashita, DMP
 c.TN-ITS – Bringing Fresher Map Data to Intelligent Transport ServicesChristian Kleine, HERE
 d.Update from ASAMYash Shah, ASAM
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break 
13:30 – 14:006.Data for Road Safety: Safety Related Traffic Information Across Brands and BordersMohanad Ismail, WSP UK
14:00 – 14:307.Final RemarksSteffen Kuhn,
OADF Speaker

Attendees can look forward to interesting updates on ADASIS, NDS, SENSORiS, SIP-adus, TISA and TN-ITS. They will gain insights into ADASIS and NDS applications and receive a report on a recent collaboration between SENSORIS and TISA to harmonize upstream and downstream data standards. Furthermore, ASAM will introduce us to their recent activities. As special guest, Mohanad Ismail will present the Data for Road Safety (DFRS) initiative to enable safety-related traffic information across brands and borders.

OADF wants to act as an open discussion platform for cross-domain topics in the area of autonomous driving that require cooperation throughout the industry. Its aim is to generate globally applicable, state-of-the-art solution possibilities as further input for standardization in organized bodies. Additionally, the OADF members want to connect local authorities and the global industry to streamline future development efforts and act as a platform to present the latest developments and achievements towards a connected world of autonomous cars.

The 20th Open Auto Drive Forum Event will be held online on June 24, 2024, starting at 9 am CET.

Image description: OADF generates input for standardization and aligns the results towards industry wide acceptance and state of the art solutions.
Source: OADF
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