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What is NDS.Live? Join our free webinar!

11. February 2021

NDS.Live is the automotive industry standard for map data services for connected cars. The first implementations of NDS.Live were presented in September 2020. NDS Association members are busy developing with the NDS.Live specification. But what is the new standard capable of and how can software providers, map data suppliers, and car manufacturers benefit? You will find out during our free NDS.Live webinars. On February 4th we did the first webinar about Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) and how NDS.Live can help implement this system.

Next up is a deep dive into the NDS.Live design considerations, use cases, technical possibilities, and the benefits for OEMs, system vendors, and map data providers. Sign up now for our second free NDS.Live webinar:

What is NDS.Live?
Feb 25, 2021 09-10:00 AM CET
Register for free here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/7316081513758/WN_s-pktpxJRTykVGlxoKAMqw

Image source: Pexels

NDS.Live, the next generation of the NDS standard, follows the principle of a distributed system. It allows driver assistance, navigation, and drive automation systems to pull together map data packages from different NDS.Live Smart Layers, from different data service providers and then combines the data into one comprehensive pool of information. This modular approach ensures much more flexibility for stacking features and hence offers a wide range of options for creating customized user experiences. It enables updates of individual data packages at higher rates, e.g. speed limits, while other more static data can be updated less frequently. The modularity of NDS.Live also facilitates a faster evolution of those parts of the NDS.Live specification that will need to evolve at a faster pace as we are moving into Automated Driving, which still has a steep learning curve. And last but not least, the NDS.Live Smart Layers make a step-by-step migration of a system from NDS.Classic map databases to NDS.Live data services possible.

To learn more, join us for our free NDS.Live webinars in early 2021 – stay tuned for more information about:

We are looking forward to your participation!

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