The Open AutoDrive Forum (OADF) is a key platform when it comes to cross-industry cooperation for automated driving. On May 6, about 140 of its members came together to discuss advancements in standardization related to autonomous driving at the 15th Open AutoDrive Forum Event.
The OADF’s key objective is to drive standardization in the area of automated driving and facilitate cooperation across the industry. It generates globally applicable, state-of-the-art solutions for standardization and acts as a platform to present the latest developments and achievements towards a connected world of autonomous cars. The Open AutoDrive Forum Event is an opportunity to streamline future developments and to connect different players in the industry. It gives members and associates the opportunity to dicuss trends and drive cooperation.
OADF Speaker and TISA Executive Director Matthias Unbehaun opened the meeting with a short introduction for the new OADF members and first time attendees. After that, the keynote speech, given by François Coallier from the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) in Québec, Canada, focused on international IT standards and how they can contribute to the engineering and operation of autonomous vehicles.
The keynote sparked a series of questions and discussions true to the cooperative spirit of the event. The participating standardization organizations took the opportunity to inform the participants on their latest advancements and activities in different core sessions. These sessions included many NDS members, like ERTICO, ASAM, Elektrobit, SENSORIS, SIP-adus, TISA and HERE Technologies.
One of the sessions, led by Electrobit’s Martin Schleicher, focused on use cases and design principles of NDS.Live, the next generation of the Navigation Data Standard (NDS) standard. He also presented the updated NDS roadmap until 2024.
The organizers at the Open AutoDrive Forum kept participants engaged in the virtual event via polls and questionaires during the sessions and offered the opportunity to pose questions to the speakers afterwards. The event proved again, that OADF is THE place to meet key persons driving essential standards relevant for automated driving and to interact with other OADF Members.
The next Event is planned for September 2021. The date and format have not yet been decided, but the keynote speaker has already been announced: András Csepinszky, OADF Speaker and SENSORIS Co-Chairman.
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